Thursday, February 24, 2005

A Glorious Day

Right now I'm sitting in a work truck on the Big Sky Spur Road with the sun beating down on me. I am writing this on my handy-dandy Palm IIIe that I found last night while going through boxes looking for stuff to throw away. I haven't used this thing for years. I had it for a while in college, but I accidentally dropped it in some water and it really didn't want to work after that. I guess that five or so years of drying of in a box cured it. I am surprised how well I remember Graffiti.

Anyway, what am I doing in a work truck in Big Sky, you ask? I'm taking advantage of what may very well be my last ever opportunity to survey, at least in Montana. The last couple of days at work have been spent training my replacement as much as I can before I take off. But my old friend Margaret, who I learned almost all of my surveying from, was heading out for a simple job by herself and asked if I wanted to go out and help her. Well, there was really no question of what I had to do.

Phew! I just had to take my sweatshirt off. This sun is killing me. I may even end up with a sunburn. How many of you got a sunburn today? (No fair answering if you live near the equator or in the southern hemisphere or something. No one here is allowed to make me jealous, only the other way around.)

So I'm sitting in the truck--tunes going, sun beating, remote blogging (though I won't be able to post this until I go home and sync--my Palm is too old for the internet) while Margaret is out there with a property owner, trying to figure out where he can move his garage to. All in all, not a bad afternoon.

Well, I better get back out there before Margaret calls me on the radio.


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