Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A Secret Admirer?

I don't know if it is a joke, but yesterday I found a note on my desk. It was afixed to the back of a note I had made earlier (they are both post-it notes).
On it, the note says, in slightly shaky red pen, "gess who?" with a red heart following. And then inside a green heart it says, in slightly less shaky red pen, "Marry Christmas".

Now that I think on it a little bit more I think that the note was near where some Christmas candy had been deposited on my desk. Everyone in the office got some candy, so I wasn't special in that regard. But why was the note stuck to the back of another note and then turned face down? And why would one draw hearts on a candy delivery note?

It should be a simple process of elimination to discover who the note writer is. The office is overwhelmingly male, I am certain I can safely eliminate every one of them. There are 6 women at the office. Three are younger (30s) and married. One is older (50s or 60s) and married. And two are younger and not married. I don't know if they are in relationships, but neither one of them seems to me to be the cryptic note writing type. But, what do I know? My track record of the last decade clearly indicates that I have no understanding of women.

So maybe it was a joke. Or maybe I have a secret admirer. I don't know which and I doubt I ever will. Maybe I'll scan the note sometime and post it, just so you can see what I'm dealing with.


At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmmm... maybe it was me :-)

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Steve Eck said...

The most amusing (to me at least) is the spelling on the note.

BTW What exactly is slightly less shaky, when the referencing something originally described as slightly shaky? How many slightlys can you put in front of shaky before it is no longer shaky and becomes merely sloppy. :)

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Brenden Johnson said...

Very funny, Anonymous--I'll track you down.

And there are plenty of degrees of shaky writing. You'll see when I scan it.


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