Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Lazy Day

I spent today mostly sitting on the couch in Brians apartment. A nice lazy day in LA.

It was a rainy morning here and at just about the time I wanted to head out, the rain stopped and the sun came out. Brian had already left for work and I had a couple of errands I wanted to do. So outside I went to hit the sidewalk. A nice 10 to 15 minute walk and there I was at Best Buy. A few nights ago my family and I had watched Napolean Dynamite. I had heard it was pretty funny and I wasn't disappointed. I will definitely say that not everyone would enjoy this movie, but I thought it was brilliant. It was just so strange and funny. So anyway, I had to buy my own copy, which I did at Best Buy today. Much fun. Then I walked across the parking lot to Ralphs, a supermarket. I picked up a few things for dinner and some chips (mmm, just plain chips). And then a short walk back to the apartment.

For the rest of the day I've done laundry. Watched the first half of The Great Escape. I'm watching That Thing You Do!, which is actually pretty good, at this very moment. A very movie-ful day.

I guess that's about it.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger Steve Eck said...

Good to hear that you are taking advantage of that nice SoCal weather by staying inside and watching movies.

Sounds almost like going to Montana to visit and spending the whole time playing Tony Hawk 1 instead of seeing the sites.

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Brenden Johnson said...

What else to do in tinsel town but watch all of the movies that have been made here? That's what I thought. It is unfortunate but without a car to drive around in I can't see much with Brian at work all day. And we aren't in the *best* part of town, so I wouldn't want to wander much beyond Best Buy. Not to mention all the rain.

I guess I am just pretty boring on vacations, huh? Both on mine and other people's. :)


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