Tuesday, May 03, 2005

New Life (almost)

It's a pretty exciting night in the Johnson family. Jenny, my sister-in-law, is in labor as I type this. She and Matt, my parents, and her parents have all been up at the hospital since 6:30 or so. By the morning Brian and I will have a new neice or nephew.

It's been so fun to watch Luke grow up in his third year. He's almost like a new person every single day. Kids can pickup and learn so much just observing everything around them. Luke literally seems more grown up and smarter every day that I talk to him. It was fun to see the leaps and bounds he grew by when I'd visit every few months from Montana, but it's even more amazing when you notice a difference from day to day. I can't wait to be around the new one for its first and second years too. I won't be living at the house any more but I'll still be way closer than Montana.

Keep mom and baby in your thoughts and prayers.
Good night.


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