Sunday, May 01, 2005


This weekend could have been really fun if it weren't for dastardly microbes coursing through my throat causing me discomfort and pain. I can't remember a time when I've been sick or under the weather so many times within a few months. It is rediculous.

Alas. Friday was an okay day at work. We had a nice meeting with a contractor and designer in the afternoon. It went really long but we got through all sorts of good stuff that needed to get ironed out. Unfortunately I had woken up with a sore spot in the back of my throat--not a good sign. It didn't escalate into anything worse, it was just really annoying.

I went to bed on Friday night just achy and sore, not happy at all. I woke up feeling better but not good. The rotten thing about this was that I was going to a wedding later that day (that I had been invited to only on Thursday night--he didn't know I was back in town). The groom was my bro's best friend through junior high and high school--so my parents and I were invited along seeing as we were pretty much his second family for half of his youth. The ceremony was very nice and in a very nice church. I'm not Catholic, but I've been to a number of Catholic services at different churches in my day and this sanctuary was very different than any I had seen. The neatest thing, I thought, was their 3-D cross hanging above the altar. It was built out with more vertices than would be in a normal 3-D cross shape, almost like trying to represent a 4-D figure like a tesseract. It was pretty unique.

The reception was a full two hours after the ceremony so my parents and I drove around a bit. We drove by the house I lived in for the first couple years of my life. The neighborhood is starting to look a little run down these days. Then we drove to what my mom believes was one of the first Target stores ever, where I quickly bought a card and present to bring to the reception.

The reception was very similar to any other wedding you've been to. One cool thing they did was bride/groom trivia. Whenever people clinked their glasses enough instead of just having the bride and groom kiss the DJ asked a trivia question of the crowd and then had the couple kiss.

One fun moment of the evening happened when I decided to open my big mouth during the trivia. The question was "Does the groom have any siblings and what are their names?" I raised my hand and gave my answer "Yes and Kari." For any of the other questions that would have been it and he would have walked away, but no, he had a follow up question: "Is she single?" To which I answered "No" (she's been married 3 years.) You would have thought that would be it, right? But no, he had one more two part question for me "Does that make you sad?"(or something like that) and "Are you single?" I just left him with an ambiguous "Yes".

Well, the groom's sister, Kari, who was a bridesmaid, and her mother start laughing up in front and no one else knows why. What they, and my family, but probably no one else in the room knows is that Kari and I dated in high school. Kari told me later that she was glad that the lights were turned down a bit as she was turning a bright red color in the cheeks.

I didn't make it much longer beyond dinner unfortunately. I was just feeling too crappy. Luckily my brother Matt took my mom out for at least one dance, as I couldn't fulfill that duty this time.

Today was very uneventful, except for the fact that there was snow falling all over the Twin Cities today! How crazy is that? It's May! I guess it's all a part of the plot to keep people out of the state. We like it just the way it is and don't want it any more crowded.


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