Wednesday, December 15, 2004

We Won!

Our second win of the hockey season finally came. I know I haven't been keeping up with the season for the last couple of weeks, but we hadn't won since that first game. But last night we broke our winless streak. We are now 2-6-2. Hooray! The common factor in our two wins was that they were the two games that Steph came to watch. With her leaving very shortly, I'm not looking forward to the rest of the season.

We ended up winning 7-5, so we didn't do too bad, but we could have done better. We were up 4-0 at one point. Like so often, we started strong and then tapered off towards the end.

I had an up and down game personally. As a defenseman the main thing I care about is that there are no goals scored while I'm on the ice. Assists and goals are just gravy. I feel I played pretty well but the other team scored their first 4 goals while I was out there trying to defend against that very occurrence. (On a side note, I can't think if I've ever written the word 'occurrence'. I had no clue it was spelled like that. I tried 'occurance' but thought it didn't look quite right. I figured it could have been an 'e' instead of an 'a', but I didn't know there was a double 'r' in there. Crazy)

I have to be honest and say that the goals were mostly not my fault. On two of the goals I would not have played any differently. I was in the position I wanted to be in and had my guy where I wanted him to be. The goalie just let in weak goals from bad angles. On the other two I feel I was interferred with and wasn't able to make any play. It was very frustrating.

So I was -3 for the game on a night that I felt pretty good about the way I played. It was really weird.

I also got my first penalty of the year. This other guy and I were getting into it a little bit for most of the game and finally with just over 2 minutes left in the game he slashed me one last time and I kind of checked him into the boards a little bit. We both got whistled. My problem with the guy is that I just don't think he has any class and I don't respect him at all. This is rec hockey and there's no place for cheap play and chipiness. I won't go into everything, suffice it to say I don't like him. He even owns a shop here in town and I don't shop there anymore.


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