Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Dinner and a Movie

Last night I headed over to Matt's house for some grilled meat and to hang out. The weather was so pleasant he wanted to fire up the grill and be outside a little bit. Jesse and Scott also came over to partake in the tasty fare. We ended up throwing in a movie while we ate, and it happened to be Buying the Cow. I had never seen nor heard of it before, but it was alright. It happened to be perfect for the mood I was in. It was pretty funny most of the time, many times thanks to Ryan Renolds (who I really enjoyed in Van Wilder), even if he was naked way too much. The premise was that a dude wasn't ready to be married because he wasn't sure if the girl he was with was "the one". It went on to talk about how there just isn't a "the one" out there for everyone but many "just rights" and you just have to have your eyes open for those opportunities.

It was a pretty chill night, which was nice.

Today has been pretty slow at work. I don't know what I'm up to tonight, but probably not too much. Maybe I'll do some laundry since it is so warm out and the basement likely isn't freezing anymore.


At 2:11 PM, Blogger Steve Eck said...

I despise the gratuitous naked-ass shot of the male lead that they like to throw into movies.


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