Friday, August 27, 2004

Pointers are fun

It turns out that Steve was right, programming ability isn't like a fine wine. It does not get better with age just fermenting without use.

This is pretty clear to anyone who thinks for a couple of seconds but it becomes even clearer when one tries to remember the ins and outs of C++ pointers. They have been my bane since high school. I finally really got them in college, which was a great feeling. But somehow, like most of my collegiate knowledge, it has escaped me in the last few years.


At 2:02 PM, Blogger Steve Eck said...

You'll get back in the swing of it in no time.

If you finally 'got' pointers, you won't forget the concept. You just might have forgotten the various syntaxes for dereferencing/addressing/etc.

I suppose the STL isn't available on the Palm? Having built-in classes like lists, growable arrays (vectors in stl terms), maps, strings, etc would make your re-learning of C++ a lot easier.


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