Monday, August 23, 2004


I know that this is probably really old, but I just saw it and had to post it.

It's a comic, but in that comic is a picture of Ah-nold from People magazine around the release of T3. I really enjoyed the movie and was thinking that the Govinator looked really good. But that was, now I see, due to a lot of make-up and a full compliment of clothing.

I've never enjoyed the whole European swimming in speedos at the pool or beach thing. (which I was able to experience first hand while living in Germany for a year during high school) There are certain body types that work in that kind of suit and certain types that don't. Unfortunately the people who make the decisions about whether or not to wear a speedo don't seem to be able to differentiate as well as the rest of us. It's too bad that Arnold now seems to fall in to that company.


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