Friday, July 23, 2004

Online gamers are crazy

I like video games. (though as I've proved I'm not very good at them) Probably my favorite genre of game is the fantasy role playing game (RPG), they have crazy characters and enemies, they usually have very engaging stories, and you have to keep track of lots of little details. But one kind of game I've never got into is the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs). This has the same kind of feel as a normal RPG, but it is set in a gigantic persistant world that thousands of players from all over the world can log into and play in all at the same time.

This kind of game has been very popular in the last number of years and indeed some can be very addicting. The game Everquest is often referred to as "Ever-crack". There has been a whole economy online that deals with the buying and selling of virtual property, items, and even charaters in the real world. Just check on eBay for auctions for your favorite game, like Ultima Online. (this has also led to many problems as eBay agreed with Sony to stop all sales of virtual items for the Everquest game because of so many customer complaints)

Anyway, the reason I put this post up is because I saw an item that you can buy in the real world. It is a clock that keeps time in the real world but also in the virtual world of the game Final Fantasy XI. So when you get offline to do things like eat or sleep you won't forget about the real important stuff like when a ferry is leaving or when a battle is going to happen in the world of FFXI.


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